France, Russia and Belgium have submitted bids to host the 2019 WorldSkills competition.
Within the framework of the organization of the competition, at the invitation of the president of the World Skills Organization of France, Gérard Larchet Lilit Petrosyan, technical delegate of Armenian skills, along with delegates from around 40 countries, went on a three-day visit to France.
The purpose of the visit was to learn about the preparations of the French side to host the World Skills Competition in 2019.
As part of the visit, the delegates visited a number of places including the Elysée Palace, where they were received and greeted by French President Francois Hollande, the Luxembourg Palace, where the delegation met the President of the Senate, Paris City Hall, where the guests were received by the Mayor of Paris, Anna Hidalgo.
Within the framework of the program, the French side also organized a tour of Paris, introducing the guests to the famous historical and cultural monuments of the city.