By the joint decision of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia and social partners, since 2012, the Republic of Armenia has become "World Skills" (WorldSkills International, member of the international organization. Armenia is represented in this organization by the National Center for the Development of Vocational Education and Training.

The main goals of MKUZAK activity are


Contribute to the Republic of Armenia

reforms, development and efficiency improvement of primary (vocational) and secondary vocational education and training, including adult learning system;


To support public intellectual

to the reproduction and development of potential and workforce, ensuring competitiveness and social cohesion


Help for everyone

providing opportunities for lifelong success based on the matching of learners' and learners' individual abilities with the demands of the economy and the labor market;


Contribute to the Republic of Armenia

VET system development, international integration, international recognition of awarded qualifications and certificates.