Working visit to France

2018 On May 21-25, the working group created by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, "Discovering the types of work-based training in France (master's training and apprenticeship) and existing structures", went to the city of Lyon, France.
Այցը կազմակերպվել էր Եվրոպական կրթական հիմնադրամի կողմից իրականացվող «SP VET Provision&Quality:Work-based learning “Skills Connexion Project» ծրագրի շրջանակում:
The working group includes representatives of VET cooperating ministries, agencies, donor organizations, employers, VET institutions and other interested organizations.

During the visit, the development experience and developments of apprenticeships and other types of work-based training in French vocational and secondary vocational educational institutions were discussed.