Visit to Magdeburg as part of GIZ's "Development of the Private Sector in the South Caucasus" project


With the financing of the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German International Cooperation Company (GIC) is implementing the "Development of the Private Sector in the South Caucasus" program in 2014-2017. which aims to improve economic development by increasing the competitiveness of the private sector. The program supports the development and modernization of vocational education and training offers that are market oriented and demanded by the private sector, strengthening private sector engagement and collaboration with education providers.

Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, KAI, MKUZAK and the Linguistics and Social University named after V. Bryusov participated in the program.

Within the framework of the above-mentioned program, the 6-month practical course of international training of leaders "Master courses in the field of TVET for three South Caucasian countries" was developed, which aims to improve the professional abilities, knowledge and skills of teaching, management and technical vocational education and training (TVET) specialists. for further administrative duties.

For each successfully completed module, participants receive European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) points, which can be recognized after completion of the course by international master's programs related to ICT, thus facilitating participants' subsequent acquisition of a master's degree in the shortest period of university study. : The course is conducted jointly with the International Academy of Magdeburg, Germany, and the Otto von Gurick University.

Ensuring the continuity and stability of the project, On July 6-10, a practical workshop was organized in Magdeburg for representatives of VET sector and universities of the three South Caucasus countries, during which the international experience and the joint master's programs for training specialists in the field of ICT were presented by the International Academy of International Studies and Otto von Guerick University, as well as by each country: The current situation and vision of human resources development in the field of ICT.

During the visit, the participants also got acquainted with the ICT programs implemented by the Chamber of Industry in Leipzig and "Global Skills. Germany" center of excellence. As a result of the discussions, on the basis of the recommendations made, it was decided to to organize a fact-finding mission in three South Caucasian countries in October, during which the necessary resources for the implementation of the master's program for training specialists in the field of ICT will be studied.
