


The RA Ministry of Education and Science and the “Strategic Development Agency” NGO organized a conference of donor organizations of VET, within the framework of the project “VET Development in Syunik Marz”.

The project “VET Development in Syunik Marz” contributes to the development of vocational education and advisory services in agriculture by putting in practice innovative approaches and creates a more adapted market-oriented practical education in the field of veterinary, milk processing and delivery of advisory services to farmers.

The main objective of the project “Private Sector Development and Vocational Education and Training South Caucasus” implemented by GIZ, is to support the “green” and inclusive development in the countries of South Caucasus.

Within the framework of the project “Organic Agriculture Support Initiative” (OASI), organic agriculture module will be integrated in the Armenian VET sector. The OASI project was launched in 2015 and is funded by EU and co-funded by Austrian Development Agency. The main objective of the project is to develop the potential of Armenian organic agriculture.

The mission of Global Development Fund is to support development processes in Armenia focusing on education, VET, employment and women’s issues and other social issues.

The second phase of the project “Applying the G20 Training Strategy” implemented by International Labour organization (ILO) is a response to interest indicated by the Russian Federation to work with the ILO in supporting the application of the G20 Training Strategy. The target of the project is to strengthen national systems of skills development, policies and strategies, improve employment opportunities for women and men, equal access to employment.


“Social Innovations for Vocational Education and Employability of Young People with Disabilities” (SIVEE) project, implemented by “Save the Children” international NGO, aims at promoting the introduction of social innovations in Armenia and create equal opportunities for young people with disabilities.
