2018 developed state educational standards, curricula and modular programs
Initial professional (craft) education
0721.08.4 "Pastry technology" 0721.08.07.4 "Preparation of marmalade products"
0821.01.4 "Forestry management" 0821.01.02.4 "Forestry doctor"
0821.01.4 "Forest management" 0821.01.01.4 "Forest guard"
0811.05.4 "Plant cultivation" 0811.05.01.4 "Vegetable grower"
0811.02.4 "Production of livestock products" 0811.02.01.4 "Operator of livestock complexes"
0732.07.4 "Technical support of road construction and improvement works" 0732.07.04.4 "Tractor operator"
0721.09.4 "Fat oil production technology" 0721.09.01.4 "Mayonnaise production plant operator"
0721.09.4 "Fat oil production technology" 0721.09.03.4 "Operator of the margarine production flow line"
0721.08.4 "Pastry technology" 0721.08.06.4 "Confectionery maker"
0721.08.4 "Pastry technology" 0721.08.05.4 "Preparator: caramel"
0721.08.4 "Pastry technology" 0721.08.04.4 "Preparation of dragees"
0721.08.4 "Pastry technology" 0721.08.03.4 "Waffle maker"
0721.08.4 "Pastry technology" 0721.08.02.4 "Biscuit maker"
0721.07.4 "Oil, cheese and milk production technology" 0721.07.05.4 "Operator of ice cream production line"
0721.06.4 Fish processing technology 0721.06.01.4 Processor of fish products
0721.01.4 "Bread production technology" 0721.01.01.4 "Baker"
vocational education
0721.11.5 "Tobacco growing and processing technology" 0721.11.01.5 "Tobacco growing and processing technologist"
0821.01.5 "Forestry and grove management" 0821.01.01.5 "Forestry and grove management technician"
0812.03.5 "Reproduction, collection and stocking of wild plants" 0812.03.01.5 "Plant breeder-technician for reproduction, collection and stocking of wild plants"
0812.02.5 "Plant product storage and processing" 0812.02.01.5 "Plant product storage and processing technician"
0812.01.5 "Grain storage and processing technology" 0812.01.01.5 "Grain storage and processing technologist"
0811.10.5 "Dominology (cynology)" 0811.10.01.5 "Denist"
0721.07.5 "Fish and fish products technology" 0721.07.01.5 "Fish and fish products production technologist"
0721.04.5 "Technology of fats and fat substitutes" 0721.04.01.5 "Technologist for production of fats and fat substitutes"
0721.01.5 "Confectionery technology" 0721.01.01.5 "Technologist for sugar confectionery production"