2015 developed state educational standards, modular programs and curriculums for preliminary (vocational) professional education qualifications

The teacherGroup of professions, specialtyQualification:
0200Social insurance
0205Social workSocial worker
0500Art and design
0514Artwork and designPainter-glazier
Showcase designer
Artistic designer
Showing hairstyles
Dresser (model)
0515Decorative applied art Needlework-lacemaker (handmade)
A maker of artistic pottery
A maker of wooden art objects
Leather art maker
Artistic wood carver
Artistic metal engraver
Artistic stone carver
Artistic bone carver
Carpet maker
Tapestry maker
A developer of semi-precious and precious stones
Pottery illustrator
0600 Economics and management
0601Accountability Reporter
0602Commercial activityPurchasing agent
Supply agent
Advertising agent
Supplier of food and raw materials
Individual entrepreneur
0604Banking Treasurer*
0605Documentation, information and organizational serviceSecretary-typist
0606Insurance BusinessInsurance agent
0608Commercial caseTrade hall cashier
Stall seller
Industrial goods seller
Food vendor
0900Extraction of useful minerals
0901Operation of mining machinery and equipmentCleaning Pit Miner
Driver of mining machinery
0902Mountain workExplosive
0904Enrichment of useful mineralsCondenser hardware driver
Wrecking machine operator
Grinding machine operator
Control panel operator
Dryer operator
Winding machine operator
Evaporation equipment manager
Granulation hardware driver
0907Exploratory drillingA rigger
Drilling tower fitter-electric fitter
Drilling rig operator
0908Operation of wellsWell Operation Operator
1001Production of electrical equipmentWinding elements of electric cars
Collector of electrical machinery and equipment
1002Technical operation of electrical equipment Electrical equipment repair and maintenance electrician
1003Technical operation of electrical equipment of machines and mechanisms Electrical equipment repair plumber-electrician **
Elevator electromechanic
Commercial and Refrigeration Electrical Mechanic
Installer of electric lifts
1004Maintenance of power plants and networksElectrician of the export brigade
Electrician servicing substations
Electrician repairing relay protection equipment and automation
Electrician for operation of distribution networks
1005Testing of electrical devices, machines and apparatusParts and Devices Tester
Controller of the assembly of electrical machines, apparatus and appliances
1006Technical operation of heat energy equipment and heat networksBoilermaker
Boiler plant operator
Boiler servicing plumber
Plumber serving heat networks
Plumber repairing boiler equipment
Plumber repairing heating network equipment
1007Electrical installation of lighting and power equipmentElectrician of switchgear and secondary circuits
Electrician of electrical equipment, power and lighting networks
1103Metalworking production and material processing technologyMelting metal and alloys
Modeler of wooden models
1105Metal processing technology with pressureA blacksmith working with a hammer and press
Blacksmith stamping
A blacksmith who bends by hand
Regulator of forging equipment
1200Mechanical engineering equipment and technologies
1207Technology of welding works gas welder**
Controller of welding works
Electric welder
Electric welder of automatic and semi-automatic machines
Manual welding electric welder
Gas welding cutter
1210Mechanical processing of metals on machines and linesMachining and Plumbing Supervisor
Operator of automatic and semi-automatic lines of machines and installations
Software controlled machine operator
Wide profile machinist
Grinding machine
1211Technical operation of the equipmentAutomatic line and aggregate machining regulator
Software controlled machine tools and manipulators
Locksmith for mechanical assembly works
1705Technical operation of medical equipmentMedical equipment repair and maintenance electromechanic
1706General patient careJunior nurse
1900General and special purpose devices
1901Electrovacuum production technologyElectrovacuum Parts Form
Parts and Devices Controller
Installer of electro-vacuum devices
Resistors, sections of accumulators, coils and nets winding
1902Clock production technology and repairWatch and Stone Production Supervisor
Assembler of watch components
Clock collector
Watchmaker (mechanical watch repair)
Watchmaker (electronic and quartz watch repair)
1903Technical operation of measuring and checking devices and automationLocksmith of measuring and checking devices and automatics
1908Optomechanical manufacturing equipment and technologyController of optical components and devices
2000 Radioelectronics and telecommunications
2002Adjustment of technological equipment of radio electronic productionAdjuster-installer of test equipment
Technological equipment regulator
2003Production technology of radio electronic equipment and devicesController of radio electronic equipment apparatus and devices
Installer of radio electronic equipment apparatus and devices
Regulator of radio electronic equipment apparatus and devices
Locksmith of apparatus and devices of radio electronic equipment
2009Installation and operation of communication equipmentCable fitter*
Electrician of linear structures of communication and wire transmissions
2014Technical maintenance and repair of radio electronic means Radio mechanic servicing and repairing radio and television equipment
Radio operator for television and radio broadcast networks
2015Postal contactCommunication operator
2200Informatics and computing techniques
2201Production technology of electronic and microelectronic equipmentMicro welding operator
Operator of diffusion processes
Electronics collector
2203Operation of computers Computer operator
2204Maintenance and repair of electronic computing machines Electromechanic servicing and repairing electronic computing machines*
2302Hotel economyMaid
2303Chemical cleaning and dyeing of clothesDry cleaning operator
Laundry operator
Washing machine operator
2304Hairdressing and decorative make-upManicurist
2305PhotographyComputer graphics operator
Mini photo studio operator
Photo lab
2308FilmificationCinema mechanic
2311Public foodBartender
Pastry chef
Baby food chef
2400Means of transport
2401Operation and repair of vehicles (by types) Car driver
Tram driver
Trolleybus driver
Metro electric train driver
Electric motor repair locksmith
Auto Repair Locksmith
Engine tester
2402Automation, telemechanics and communication in railway transport Electrician for service and repair of signaling, centralization, blocking devices
2403Power supply in railway transportElectrician of connection networks
Electrician of traction substations
2404Operation and repair of railway rolling stockAssistant Diesel Train Driver
Train driver's assistant
Electric traction driver's assistant
Electric train driver's assistant
2405Operation and repair of railway rolling stockInspecting wagons
Inspecting and repairing wagons
Train electromechanic
2406Operation of railway and linear economyLinear road fitter
Locksmith for repair of linear machines and mechanisms
2407Transportation service in rail transportCashier-ticket seller
Accepting and delivering cargo and luggage
Attendant of passenger car
Transport document rater
2500Chemical production
2501Technology of nitrogen fertilizers and organic synthesisEvaporation equipment manager
Ammonia nitrate production equipment operator
Ammonia sulfate production equipment operator
2503Technology of electrochemical productionsGalvanizer
Operator of automatic and semi-automatic lines
2505Refinement of oil, oil products and maintenance of highway pipelinesAir conditioning machine operator
Pump station equipment operator
Machinist of technological compressors
Machinist of technological pumps
Operator of technological devices
Locksmith for repair of technological devices
Evaporation equipment manager
Granulation hardware driver
Dryer fitter
Solution driver
Grinding machine operator
Remote control operator in chemical manufacturing
2506Production of synthetic resins, plastics and their processingMolding plastics
Chemical fiber production technologyBattery (for receiving chemical fibers)
Quality controller of technological processes and products
Chemical fiber twisting and stretching operator
Thread rewinder
2508Production of glass fiber materials and glass production technologyGlass material handling equipment operator
Production supervisor of glass fibers and glass plastic materials
Twisting equipment operator
Glass breaker
Blowing glassware maker
Polishing of glass and glass materials
Abrasive glass and glass materials
2509Production of pharmaceuticals, vitamins and biological compoundsFermentation technician for biosynthesis pharmaceuticals
A broad-profile hardware driver for drug manufacturing
2511Production, restoration and repair of car tiresTire collector
2512Chemical production technology Broad Profile Hardware Driver*
2601Technical operation of forest complex equipmentLogging equipment repair fitter
2603Operation and technology of woodworking production equipment Manufacturer of decorative furniture elements
Template maker
Lumber Handling Equipment and Line Operator
Wood finisher
Machinist of woodworking machines
Woodworking machine operator
2605Garden furniture constructionGardener-flower grower
2700Food production
2701Technical operation of food industry equipmentRefrigeration Equipment Operator
Food industry equipment regulator
2702Bread production technologyFermenter
Driver of yeast machines
Dough shaper
2703Sugar production technologyEvaporation equipment manager
Beet juice defecosaturation operator
Diffusion hardware driver
2704Winemaking and juice production Winemaker
Master of Winery and Pre-Production of Juices
Juice and syrup production operator
2705Preliminary processing of animal raw materialsButcher
Meat grinder
Salting meat and meat products
Furs salting
Natural Sausage Wrap Maker
Dandruff remover
A meat tenderizer
Meat cutter
Byproduct Selector
Fur sorter
Fur salt water
2706Oil production technologyMayonnaise maker
Oil and fat crystallization operator
Margarine production line operator
2708Production of meat productsOperator of thermal processing of meat products
By-product heat treatment equipment operator
Manufacturer of meat semi-finished products
Automated sausage production line operator
Automated sausage production line operator
Ground meat preparation line operator
Meat grinder
Sausage shaper
Manufacturer of poultry semi-finished products
Poultry mincer
Poultry processor
Rabbit meat processor
Poultry and rabbit meat sorter
2709Fish processing technologyChef of fish dishes
Fish product processor
Smoking equipment operator
2710Oil, cheese and milk production technologyPasteurization equipment manager
Equipment operator for the production of dry milk products
Sublimation equipment operator
Food steaming, condensation equipment operator
Ice cream maker
Cottage cheese maker
Master of production of dairy and lactic acid products **
Sour and baby milk products production operator
Food line operator
Cheese maker
2711Pastry technologyCook
Biscuits maker
Waffle maker
Manufacturer of dragees
Caramel maker
Candy maker
A maker of marmalade products
Weighing machine driver
2800Light industry
2801Fabric production technologyA hearse operator
Finished product restorer
2802Technology of yarn and yarn productsActing:
Operating Equipment Operator
Quality control
Sandblasting equipment operator
Wrapping Equipment Operator
Tape Equipment Operator
Twisting equipment operator
Expulsion equipment operator
Towing equipment operator
2809Sewing production technologyClothing designer
Controller of Materials, Items, and Lecals
Hat designer
Sewing equipment operator
Lecal distributor
Clothes heat treater
Can you?
2811Leather goods production technologyController of items, semi-finished products and materials
Parts, semi-finished products and items processor
Stream operator
Things can
Material designer
Collector of leather goods
2814Technology of polygraphic productionsMachine operator of automatic book production lines
Electronic layout operator
Flatbed printer
Polygraphic equipment regulator
2818Shoe production technologyA shoe polisher
Custom shoemaker
Orthopedic shoe cobbler
Forming Equipment Operator
Shoe collector
2900Construction and household economy
2901Technical operation of crane-vehicles Car mechanic
Crane operator
2902Implementation of construction, assembly and repair worksReinforcement maker
Concrete worker
Installer of building structures
Bridge builder
2903Installation and adjustment of construction machines and mechanismsConstruction plumber
2904Implementation of rehabilitation worksRestorer of ornamental-artistic murals
Restorer of ornamental stucco and stucco
Restorer of wooden monuments
Restorer of stone monuments
Restorer of wooden works
Restorer of stone works
2905Technical support of road construction and improvement worksBulldozer driver
Repair mechanic for road construction machines and tractors
Tractor driver
2906Implementation of roofing worksSheet metal worker
Roofer of metal roofs
2907Carpentry, woodwork, glass worksTiler
2908Implementation of finishing construction works Facade-tiler
Facing with synthetic materials
Mosaic painter
Plasterer **
Painter **
2912Sanitary equipment of buildings and structuresInstaller of sanitary technical systems and equipment
Installation of ventilation and pneumatic transport
Plumber of junctions and parts of sanitary technical systems
2913Installation of technological equipment, pipelines and metal structuresOutdoor pipe fitter
Installer of technological equipment and related structures
Plumber of assembly of metal structures
2915Technical operation of gas equipment and underground gas pipelines Plumber for operation and repair of gas equipment
Plumber for operation and repair of underground gas pipelines **
3103Production of livestock productsLivestock breeder
Operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms
Mechanized milk operator
Poultry farm operator
Operator of pig farms and mechanized farms
Bird breeder
Pig breeder
3106Technical support of agricultural works Locksmith repairing agricultural machinery and equipment
Agricultural production tractor-driver
3108Production of vegetable productsVegetable grower
3112Organization of rural (farm) economy Farmer
3200Environment Protection
3201Environmental protection and efficient use of natural resourcesSewage treatment equipment operator
Chemical water treatment equipment operator
3203Installation and operation of warning and fire alarm systemWarning and fire alarm system installer
3204Operation of special fire-rescue equipmentRescuer-driver
Motorboat pilot-rescuer
3205Repair of special fire-rescue equipmentPlumber
3400Quality assurance
3404Laboratory studies and measurements in production (according to directions)Physico-mechanical testing laboratory assistant
Chemical analysis laboratory assistant*

2015 developed state educational standards, modular programs and curricula for secondary professional education qualifications
The teacherGroup of professions, specialtyQualification:
0200Social insurance
0205Social workSocial worker
0500Art and design
0514Artwork and designPainter-glazier
Showcase designer
Artistic designer
Showing hairstyles
Dresser (model)
0515Decorative applied art Needlework-lacemaker (handmade)
A maker of artistic pottery
A maker of wooden art objects
Leather art maker
Artistic wood carver
Artistic metal engraver
Artistic stone carver
Artistic bone carver
Carpet maker
Tapestry maker
A developer of semi-precious and precious stones
Pottery illustrator
0600 Economics and management
0601Accountability Reporter
0602Commercial activityPurchasing agent
Supply agent
Advertising agent
Supplier of food and raw materials
Individual entrepreneur
0604Banking Treasurer*
0605Documentation, information and organizational serviceSecretary-typist
0606Insurance BusinessInsurance agent
0608Commercial caseTrade hall cashier
Stall seller
Industrial goods seller
Food vendor
0900Extraction of useful minerals
0901Operation of mining machinery and equipmentCleaning Pit Miner
Driver of mining machinery
0902Mountain workExplosive
0904Enrichment of useful mineralsCondenser hardware driver
Wrecking machine operator
Grinding machine operator
Control panel operator
Dryer operator
Winding machine operator
Evaporation equipment manager
Granulation hardware driver
0907Exploratory drillingA rigger
Drilling tower fitter-electric fitter
Drilling rig operator
0908Operation of wellsWell Operation Operator
1001Production of electrical equipmentWinding elements of electric cars
Collector of electrical machinery and equipment
1002Technical operation of electrical equipment Electrical equipment repair and maintenance electrician
1003Technical operation of electrical equipment of machines and mechanisms Electrical equipment repair plumber-electrician **
Elevator electromechanic
Commercial and Refrigeration Electrical Mechanic
Installer of electric lifts
1004Maintenance of power plants and networksElectrician of the export brigade
Electrician servicing substations
Electrician repairing relay protection equipment and automation
Electrician for operation of distribution networks
1005Testing of electrical devices, machines and apparatusParts and Devices Tester
Controller of the assembly of electrical machines, apparatus and appliances
1006Technical operation of heat energy equipment and heat networksBoilermaker
Boiler plant operator
Boiler servicing plumber
Plumber serving heat networks
Plumber repairing boiler equipment
Plumber repairing heating network equipment
1007Electrical installation of lighting and power equipmentElectrician of switchgear and secondary circuits
Electrician of electrical equipment, power and lighting networks
1103Metalworking production and material processing technologyMelting metal and alloys
Modeler of wooden models
1105Metal processing technology with pressureA blacksmith working with a hammer and press
Blacksmith stamping
A blacksmith who bends by hand
Regulator of forging equipment
1200Mechanical engineering equipment and technologies
1207Technology of welding works gas welder**
Controller of welding works
Electric welder
Electric welder of automatic and semi-automatic machines
Manual welding electric welder
Gas welding cutter
1210Mechanical processing of metals on machines and linesMachining and Plumbing Supervisor
Operator of automatic and semi-automatic lines of machines and installations
Software controlled machine operator
Wide profile machinist
Grinding machine
1211Technical operation of the equipmentAutomatic line and aggregate machining regulator
Software controlled machine tools and manipulators
Locksmith for mechanical assembly works
1705Technical operation of medical equipmentMedical equipment repair and maintenance electromechanic
1706General patient careJunior nurse
1900General and special purpose devices
1901Electrovacuum production technologyElectrovacuum Parts Form
Parts and Devices Controller
Installer of electro-vacuum devices
Resistors, sections of accumulators, coils and nets winding
1902Clock production technology and repairWatch and Stone Production Supervisor
Assembler of watch components
Clock collector
Watchmaker (mechanical watch repair)
Watchmaker (electronic and quartz watch repair)
1903Technical operation of measuring and checking devices and automationLocksmith of measuring and checking devices and automatics
1908Optomechanical manufacturing equipment and technologyController of optical components and devices
2000 Radioelectronics and telecommunications
2002Adjustment of technological equipment of radio electronic productionAdjuster-installer of test equipment
Technological equipment regulator
2003Production technology of radio electronic equipment and devicesController of radio electronic equipment apparatus and devices
Installer of radio electronic equipment apparatus and devices
Regulator of radio electronic equipment apparatus and devices
Locksmith of apparatus and devices of radio electronic equipment
2009Installation and operation of communication equipmentCable fitter*
Electrician of linear structures of communication and wire transmissions
2014Technical maintenance and repair of radio electronic means Radio mechanic servicing and repairing radio and television equipment
Radio operator for television and radio broadcast networks
2015Postal contactCommunication operator
2200Informatics and computing techniques
2201Production technology of electronic and microelectronic equipmentMicro welding operator
Operator of diffusion processes
Electronics collector
2203Operation of computers Computer operator
2204Maintenance and repair of electronic computing machines Electromechanic servicing and repairing electronic computing machines*
2302Hotel economyMaid
2303Chemical cleaning and dyeing of clothesDry cleaning operator
Laundry operator
Washing machine operator
2304Hairdressing and decorative make-upManicurist
2305PhotographyComputer graphics operator
Mini photo studio operator
Photo lab
2308FilmificationCinema mechanic
2311Public foodBartender
Pastry chef
Baby food chef
2400Means of transport
2401Operation and repair of vehicles (by types) Car driver
Tram driver
Trolleybus driver
Metro electric train driver
Electric motor repair locksmith
Auto Repair Locksmith
Engine tester
2402Automation, telemechanics and communication in railway transport Electrician for service and repair of signaling, centralization, blocking devices
2403Power supply in railway transportElectrician of connection networks
Electrician of traction substations
2404Operation and repair of railway rolling stockAssistant Diesel Train Driver
Train driver's assistant
Electric traction driver's assistant
Electric train driver's assistant
2405Operation and repair of railway rolling stockInspecting wagons
Inspecting and repairing wagons
Train electromechanic
2406Operation of railway and linear economyLinear road fitter
Locksmith for repair of linear machines and mechanisms
2407Transportation service in rail transportCashier-ticket seller
Accepting and delivering cargo and luggage
Attendant of passenger car
Transport document rater
2500Chemical production
2501Technology of nitrogen fertilizers and organic synthesisEvaporation equipment manager
Ammonia nitrate production equipment operator
Ammonia sulfate production equipment operator
2503Technology of electrochemical productionsGalvanizer
Operator of automatic and semi-automatic lines
2505Refinement of oil, oil products and maintenance of highway pipelinesAir conditioning machine operator
Pump station equipment operator
Machinist of technological compressors
Machinist of technological pumps
Operator of technological devices
Locksmith for repair of technological devices
Evaporation equipment manager
Granulation hardware driver
Dryer fitter
Solution driver
Grinding machine operator
Remote control operator in chemical manufacturing
2506Production of synthetic resins, plastics and their processingMolding plastics
Chemical fiber production technologyBattery (for receiving chemical fibers)
Quality controller of technological processes and products
Chemical fiber twisting and stretching operator
Thread rewinder
2508Production of glass fiber materials and glass production technologyGlass material handling equipment operator
Production supervisor of glass fibers and glass plastic materials
Twisting equipment operator
Glass breaker
Blowing glassware maker
Polishing of glass and glass materials
Abrasive glass and glass materials
2509Production of pharmaceuticals, vitamins and biological compoundsFermentation technician for biosynthesis pharmaceuticals
A broad-profile hardware driver for drug manufacturing
2511Production, restoration and repair of car tiresTire collector
2512Chemical production technology Broad Profile Hardware Driver*
2601Technical operation of forest complex equipmentLogging equipment repair fitter
2603Operation and technology of woodworking production equipment Manufacturer of decorative furniture elements
Template maker
Lumber Handling Equipment and Line Operator
Wood finisher
Machinist of woodworking machines
Woodworking machine operator
2605Garden furniture constructionGardener-flower grower
2700Food production
2701Technical operation of food industry equipmentRefrigeration Equipment Operator
Food industry equipment regulator
2702Bread production technologyFermenter
Driver of yeast machines
Dough shaper
2703Sugar production technologyEvaporation equipment manager
Beet juice defecosaturation operator
Diffusion hardware driver
2704Winemaking and juice production Winemaker
Master of Winery and Pre-Production of Juices
Juice and syrup production operator
2705Preliminary processing of animal raw materialsButcher
Meat grinder
Salting meat and meat products
Furs salting
Natural Sausage Wrap Maker
Dandruff remover
A meat tenderizer
Meat cutter
Byproduct Selector
Fur sorter
Fur salt water
2706Oil production technologyMayonnaise maker
Oil and fat crystallization operator
Margarine production line operator
2708Production of meat productsOperator of thermal processing of meat products
By-product heat treatment equipment operator
Manufacturer of meat semi-finished products
Automated sausage production line operator
Automated sausage production line operator
Ground meat preparation line operator
Meat grinder
Sausage shaper
Manufacturer of poultry semi-finished products
Poultry mincer
Poultry processor
Rabbit meat processor
Poultry and rabbit meat sorter
2709Fish processing technologyChef of fish dishes
Fish product processor
Smoking equipment operator
2710Oil, cheese and milk production technologyPasteurization equipment manager
Equipment operator for the production of dry milk products
Sublimation equipment operator
Food steaming, condensation equipment operator
Ice cream maker
Cottage cheese maker
Master of production of dairy and lactic acid products **
Sour and baby milk products production operator
Food line operator
Cheese maker
2711Pastry technologyCook
Biscuits maker
Waffle maker
Manufacturer of dragees
Caramel maker
Candy maker
A maker of marmalade products
Weighing machine driver
2800Light industry
2801Fabric production technologyA hearse operator
Finished product restorer
2802Technology of yarn and yarn productsActing:
Operating Equipment Operator
Quality control
Sandblasting equipment operator
Wrapping Equipment Operator
Tape Equipment Operator
Twisting equipment operator
Expulsion equipment operator
Towing equipment operator
2809Sewing production technologyClothing designer
Controller of Materials, Items, and Lecals
Hat designer
Sewing equipment operator
Lecal distributor
Clothes heat treater
Can you?
2811Leather goods production technologyController of items, semi-finished products and materials
Parts, semi-finished products and items processor
Stream operator
Things can
Material designer
Collector of leather goods
2814Technology of polygraphic productionsMachine operator of automatic book production lines
Electronic layout operator
Flatbed printer
Polygraphic equipment regulator
2818Shoe production technologyA shoe polisher
Custom shoemaker
Orthopedic shoe cobbler
Forming Equipment Operator
Shoe collector
2900Construction and household economy
2901Technical operation of crane-vehicles Car mechanic
Crane operator
2902Implementation of construction, assembly and repair worksReinforcement maker
Concrete worker
Installer of building structures
Bridge builder
2903Installation and adjustment of construction machines and mechanismsConstruction plumber
2904Implementation of rehabilitation worksRestorer of ornamental-artistic murals
Restorer of ornamental stucco and stucco
Restorer of wooden monuments
Restorer of stone monuments
Restorer of wooden works
Restorer of stone works
2905Technical support of road construction and improvement worksBulldozer driver
Repair mechanic for road construction machines and tractors
Tractor driver
2906Implementation of roofing worksSheet metal worker
Roofer of metal roofs
2907Carpentry, woodwork, glass worksTiler
2908Implementation of finishing construction works Facade-tiler
Facing with synthetic materials
Mosaic painter
Plasterer **
Painter **
2912Sanitary equipment of buildings and structuresInstaller of sanitary technical systems and equipment
Installation of ventilation and pneumatic transport
Plumber of junctions and parts of sanitary technical systems
2913Installation of technological equipment, pipelines and metal structuresOutdoor pipe fitter
Installer of technological equipment and related structures
Plumber of assembly of metal structures
2915Technical operation of gas equipment and underground gas pipelines Plumber for operation and repair of gas equipment
Plumber for operation and repair of underground gas pipelines **
3103Production of livestock productsLivestock breeder
Operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms
Mechanized milk operator
Poultry farm operator
Operator of pig farms and mechanized farms
Bird breeder
Pig breeder
3106Technical support of agricultural works Locksmith repairing agricultural machinery and equipment
Agricultural production tractor-driver
3108Production of vegetable productsVegetable grower
3112Organization of rural (farm) economy Farmer
3200Environment Protection
3201Environmental protection and efficient use of natural resourcesSewage treatment equipment operator
Chemical water treatment equipment operator
3203Installation and operation of warning and fire alarm systemWarning and fire alarm system installer
3204Operation of special fire-rescue equipmentRescuer-driver
Motorboat pilot-rescuer
3205Repair of special fire-rescue equipmentPlumber
3400Quality assurance
3404Laboratory studies and measurements in production (according to directions)Physico-mechanical testing laboratory assistant
Chemical analysis laboratory assistant*