
WorldSkills Kazan2019

The 45th International Competition of WorldSkills took place in Kazan Russian Federation on August 22-27; where 1354 young specialists from 63 countries participated in 56 skills.

Armenian team participated in “Jewelry”, “Fashion Technology”, “Cooking” skills competitions. Apart from the main competitions the World Skills Juniors (14-16 years old) were also engaged in contests “Polymechanics and Automation”, “Robotic Systems Integration” skills. From participants Eric Vardanyan got bronz medal in “Polymechanics and Automation” skill. Benjamin and Andrei Tsaturyan brothers also got bronze medals “Robotic Systems Integration” skill.

The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of RA Arayik Harutyunyan participated in the international conference and ministerial summit within the framework of WorldSkills Kazan2019, August 22-24. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss innovative reforms of educational systems, opportunities for flexibility of professions and qualifications, new approaches to measuring educational outcomes. At the core of discussions were Vocational Education and prospects of development and reforms.

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