
Participation in European association of hotel and tourism schools (AEHT)


The headmaster of Yerevan State Armenian-Greek College of Tourism, Service and Food Industry Mr.Vardanyan participated in the 29th Annual Conference of European Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools (AEHT) which was held in London, October 20-28th, 2016.

This year the conference was organized by Docklands Academy of London (DAL).

The main goal of the conference was to summarize AEHT activities of 2016 and discuss the further events for coming 2017.

 Armenian-Greek College participated in the conference as a full member and had the right to vote.

Along with the Conference, hotel, catering, design and bartender competitions were organized in which teachers and students of VET Institutions from different countries participated.

During the visit heads of the College and the Academy discussed steps for further cooperation.