
Christmas In Europe 2014

Delegation of “Yerevan State Armenian-Greek College of Tourism, Service and Food Industry” and “Yerevan Craftsman State School №6” had participated in “Christmas in Europe” 24th annual event in Slovakia, Presov from December 7till December 13, 2014.

Delegations from nearly twenty European countries participated in the event organized at “Hotelova Akademia” in Presov.

Four members of Armenian delegation presented different Armenian traditions connected with Christmas. On “European Buffet” day Armenian delegation cooked traditional dishes.

Europeans participants also were involved in the process of cooking Armenian dishes especially “ghapama”, “gata” and “grape leaf tolma”.

At the end of the event the participants of the event were awarded with certificates. The “Christmas” flag passed to Luxembourg where the next event of “Christmas in Europe” will be organized.