28 Հնս Uncategorized Announcement 28.06.2022 By adminer_admin The functions of the Center include research in VET system, carries out development and continuous update of legislative acts, educatio...Continue reading
28 Հնս Uncategorized The students from Yerevan No. 1 State Regional College presented a musical performance at Naregatsi Art Institute 28.06.2022 By adminer_admin 3rd year students from Yerevan No. 1 State Regional College presented musical performance “It Became Dark” at Naregat...Continue reading
28 Հնս Uncategorized Exhibition dedicated to Armenian Genocide 28.06.2022 By adminer_admin Students and lecturers of Yerevan State College of Light Industry organized an exhibition in the museum of Modern A...Continue reading
28 Հնս Uncategorized Training courses of Table design 28.06.2022 By adminer_admin Training courses of Table design were organized in Syunik Regional State College for 10 beneficiaries. Trainings w...Continue reading
28 Հնս Uncategorized Training courses of “Table decoration” 28.06.2022 By adminer_admin Short term training courses of “Table decoration” were organized in Yerevan State Regional College N1. The courses ...Continue reading
28 Հնս Uncategorized Workshop with EU experts 28.06.2022 By adminer_admin On March 6th a workshop was held in Yerevan in the framework of TAIEXproject. The workshop was dedicated to the i...Continue reading
28 Հնս news, Uncategorized Spring holiday in Avan Cultural Center 24.07.2022 By adminer_admin Students of Yerevan State Regional College N1 staged the performance “I will come” in Avan Cultural...Continue reading
28 Հնս Uncategorized Meeting in Syunik State Regional College 28.06.2022 By adminer_admin Lecturers of Goris State University visited Syunik State Regional College and hold a meeting with the students.Continue reading