29 Hns news Call for Proposals 24.07.2022 By adminer_admin Global Innovators 2013: Leading and Learning in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) see det...Continue reading
29 Hns news Invitation to the WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 Competition 24.07.2022 By adminer_admin Dear Sir, Dear Madam, On behalf of WorldSkills International, WorldSkills Germany and WorldSkills Leipzig 2013, we would like to exten...Continue reading
29 Hns news State exams in Yerevan State Armenian – Greek College of Tourism, Service and Food Industry 24.07.2022 By adminer_admin In 26.02.2013, 2012-2013 academical year, the Final State Certification Process started in Tourism and Food Industry Department of Yere...Continue reading
29 Hns news The Anti-Corruption Program is Presented for Public Discussion 22.07.2022 By adminer_admin Continue reading
29 Hns news International Student Exchange Project “Healthy Urban Life” 22.07.2022 By adminer_admin On March 20-26, Yerevan hosted participants of the international student exchange program “Healthy urban life”. The partici...Continue reading
29 Hns news Round Table on “Paul Bocuse, the Grandfather of Cookery” 24.07.2022 By adminer_admin Within the framework of the 2013 Francophonie month, French-Armenian professional Education Center Fund is organizing a round table on ...Continue reading
29 Hns news Sevak’s life novel 24.07.2022 By adminer_admin Last week literary evening under the titlewas held in Yerevan State Regional College N 1 organized by language subject committee and re...Continue reading
29 Hns news Trainings by NCVETD 22.07.2022 By adminer_admin Highlighting the continuous process of investing state educational standards in preliminary (artisan) and middle vocational educational...Continue reading
29 Hns news “Skills for meaningful life” 13.07.2022 By adminer_admin <Youth in Action> fund of European Union organized international student camp with title <International exchange <Skills fo...Continue reading
29 Hns news Armenian-Greek State College expands its international cooperation 13.07.2022 By adminer_admin The delegations from Ida-Viru and Rakvere Vocational Educational Centres arrived <Yerevan State Armenian-Greek College of Tourism, S...Continue reading