“National Center for Vocational Education and Training Development” (hereinafter referred to as NCVETD) of “National Institute of Education” CJSC is an unincorporated organization. It was established by Decision N24 of “National Institute of Education” CJSC (hereinafter referred to as Founder) board of 29.02.2008.
II. Mission
Mission of NCVETD is to increase efficiency of preliminary (artisan) and vocational education and training, including adult education system reforms, to foster its development, international integration, international recognition of awarded certificates and qualifications in the Republic of Armenia.

III. Functions

      1. NCVETD supports developing VET strategy and policy, medium- and long-term development programs and action plans for the development of VET system, organizing and implementing analyses of VET system; participates in the rationalization of VET system, including developing proposals concerning their creation, reorganization, liquidation, allocation and revision of activities.
      2. It insures communication between VET system and the labour market, promoting the consideration of labour market trends and needs in VET development programs, involvement of involvement representatives of industries into VET, increasing opportunities of students to gain practical inside on industries.
      3. It supports in developing National Qualifications Framework compatible with the European framework of qualifications, its implementation and continuous modernization.
      4. It organizes and carries out the development and continuous updating of qualification (educational) standards, provides professional expertise, advice.
      5. It organizes scientific and sociological research in VET system, investigates and localizes international experience in the VET sector.
      6. It supports the development and introduction of system of credit accumulation and transfer in the Republic of Armenia.