

2025 The National VET Development Center (VET Development Center) is planning to organize the development and publication of training manuals and educational materials for the VET sector.

Applications for the creation of manuals and other educational materials (in electronic version) are submitted to MKUZAK.

  • Submit the application in accordance with the attached format.
  • In the case of individual applications, also submit a reference from the place of work and a curriculum vitae.
  • Applications-proposals can be submitted to MKUZAK in the original form or by e-mail: [email protected], in a scanned version. Tigran Metsi 67, 3rd floor, room 305, coordinator Hasmik Ayvazyan).
  • According to the established procedure, applications for manuals and educational materials are submitted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia to the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia, and then the list of manuals and educational materials approved by the National Council for the Development of Vocational Education and Training is submitted to the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia for approval.
  • After being approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia, the work of creating and publishing educational manuals and teaching methodical materials will be carried out by MKUZAK.
  • The volume of educational manuals should be 170-200 pages, and the educational materials should be 120-160 pages.
  • During the selection of manual applications, preference will be given to applications related to the content of the standards of new professions developed in recent years;

"Methodical tools for teaching English language for different professions and qualifications"


"Power plants, networks and systems"

"Theatrical and audio-visual equipment"

"Railway construction, maintenance of railway and line economy"

"Technical operation of aircraft aviation and radio electronic equipment"

"Operation and maintenance of 3D printers"

"Cyber ​​Security"

"Operation and maintenance of robotic vehicles"

"Mounting of suspended facade systems"

"Installation, repair and maintenance of renewable energy power plants"

"Installation and operation of internal heating and ventilation systems, sanitary and technical equipment"

"Sewing production technology"

To avoid unnecessary repetition, below is a list of manuals published in previous years (see attached PDF material).

List of published manuals

Manual application format