2023 developed state educational standards, curricula and modular programs

Initial professional (craft) education

1032.01.4 "Police case" 1032.01.03.4 "Criminal police officer"
1032.01.4 "Police case" 1032.01.02.4 "Patrol"
0723.04.4 "Leather goods production technology" 0723.04.03.4 "Leather goods can"
1041.02.4 "Operation and repair of vehicles (by types)" 1041.02.04.4 "Electrical, software troubleshooting and maintenance of cars"
0722.06.4 "Glass production technology" 0722.06.04.4 "Operator for glass cutting and processing production"

vocational education

0711.04.5 "Processing of secondary raw materials" 0711.04.01.5 "Technologist of the technological process of processing secondary raw materials"
1041.01.5 "Organization and management of transport in transport (by types of transport)" 1041.01.02.5 "Technician-operator for organization and management of transport in railway transport"
0711.07.5 "Biochemical production" 0711.07.01.5 "Biochemical production technologist"
1041.01.5 "Organization and management of transportation in transport (by types of transport)" 1041.01.03.5 "Technician-controller: organization and management of transportation in air transport"
0613.03.5 "Computer graphics" 0613.03.01.5 "Computer graphics designer"