"Beekeeping and beekeeping" courses for students and professors of VET institutions

"Business and Education Partnership" Foundation (BEC) in the framework of the German "Vocational Education and Training (VET)-Cooperation in the South Caucasus" program jointly with the "Agribusiness and Rural Development Center" (CARD) Foundation. organized a series of courses entitled "Beekeeping and Beekeeping" between September 9 and 24, for secondary professional educational institutions: Vocational State School No. 4 of Gyumri, Lori Regional School, Berdi Multipurpose School and Stepanavan A. in state agricultural colleges named after Kalantar.

Number of courses:the box is to stimulate interest in the field among young people, to create an opportunity to get acquainted with the entire process of obtaining honey, the profession of beekeeper, nuances of work, as well as marketing features of sales, contributing to the creation of "Student Companies".

The most active and interested students will be given the opportunity to participate in practical courses, during which young people will get acquainted with the organizational work of the apiary, as well as create "Student Companies".