1. The main goals of MKUZAK activity are:
- to contribute to the reforms, development and increasing the efficiency of the system of initial vocational (vocational) and secondary vocational education and vocational training, including adult education (hereinafter referred to as VET) in the Republic of Armenia;
- to support reproduction and development of society's intellectual potential and labor force, ensuring competitiveness and social cohesion;
- support the provision of opportunities for lifelong success for all, based on the matching of learners' and learners' individual abilities with the demands of the economy and the labor market;
- contribute to the development of VET system of the Republic of Armenia, international integration, international recognition of awarded qualifications and certificates.
2. The problems of MKUZAK are:
- support the development and implementation of an effective VET policy and strategy,
- to contribute to the establishment of real social partnership in the field of VET and its effective operation,
- to support the implementation of the National Framework of Qualifications in the Republic of Armenia, comparable to the European Framework of Qualifications,
- to contribute to the introduction and wide spread of the principle of "Learning throughout life" in the Republic of Armenia,
- to support the matching of the qualifications awarded by the VET system and the professions taught to the occupations available in the labor market, the matching of the content of education to the current requirements of the labor market and future developments,
- contribute to the evaluation and recognition of the results of formal, non-formal and informal education,
- to support the development of state educational standards, textbooks, subject programs, curriculum, methodological and other educational resources,
- to ensure the improvement of the capacities of VET teachers/trainers and managers through the organization and implementation of training, qualification enhancement and requalification courses, to contribute to the development of human resources of the VET system in order to meet the established requirements for education and training,
- to support the development, implementation and operation of the evaluation system of the quality of VET education and training based on unified standards, ensuring the quality of educational services provided by various institutions and organizations,
- to contribute to the effective functioning of the professional orientation and career development system of young people and adults,
- to support VET system management, management of educational institutions, organization of the educational process and increasing the efficiency of teaching,
- to support the financial and material support of the VET system through the development of appropriate mechanisms and the procurement of additional funds, as well as to contribute to the most effective distribution and use of allocated financial resources,
- to ensure the accumulation, coordination and analysis of up-to-date, reliable and complete information about the VET systems of the Republic of Armenia and other countries, the dissemination of relevant information inside and outside the country in order to increase awareness of the VET system of the Republic of Armenia,
- contribute to increasing the effectiveness of programs implemented in the VET sector,
- ensure connection and cooperation with all types of educational institutions and other VET implementers, promote their networking,
- contribute to the formation of social partnership in the VET sector.
3. In order to achieve its goals and solve problems, the MUZAC carries out the following functions:
- support in the development of VET strategy and policy, mid-term and long-term development plans and action plans for the development of the VET system, organization and implementation of VET system analyses, participation in the development of recommendations for the rationalization of the VET system, including their creation, reorganization, liquidation, deployment, and review of implemented activities;
- On VET development issues, relevant departments of RA state administration bodies and organizations, social partners (including state and territorial administration, local self-government bodies, state, private and non-governmental organizations, professional and other associations, educational and research organizations), the Armenian Apostolic Church, as well as establishment of effective relations and cooperation with relevant bodies of foreign countries and international organizations;
- Ensuring the connection between the VET system and labor market representatives, contributing to the accounting of trends and needs of the labor market in VET development programs, involving production representatives in VET teaching, expanding opportunities for students to gain experience in production,
- support for the formation, implementation and continuous modernization of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), comparable to the European Qualifications Framework,
- Dissemination of the principle and ideology of "Learning throughout life" in Armenia, development of recommendations on continuous reforms of VET system in its context,
- participation in the development and implementation of policies and mechanisms for the formation of professional (occupations) and qualification (educational) standards, organization and continuous modernization of work on the development of qualification (educational) standards,
- participation in the development and implementation of a unified policy for VET implementation process and monitoring, evaluation and certification of its results,
- support for the activities of the National Council for the Development of Vocational Education and Training,
- participation in the development of recommendations regarding the improvement of VET system and management of educational institutions, optimization of funding and mechanisms for monitoring the work of educational institutions,
- support in the development and periodic updating of classifications of professional education specialties and qualifications, participation in the development and modernization of classifications of occupations, characteristics and other documents related to the field of employment,
- participation in the activities of professional commissions for the evaluation and recognition of learning results, assistance in the recognition of prior education in the Vocational Education and Training Center,
- development and periodic review of control mechanisms, modern methods and tools for the evaluation of students' knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the maintenance of relevant standards,
- Development of policies for the further improvement of the resources (base) of the VET system, drafts of normative acts regulating the educational process, procedures, guidelines, educational, methodological, informational literature and other materials, organization of their publication,
- Organization and implementation of professional expertise and expertise, consulting on VET issues,
- Organization and development of scientific and sociological researches in the VET system, study and localization of international experience in the VET field,
- Organization and implementation of professional development events, training, qualification improvement and requalification courses for teachers, employees and managers of VET system,
- support for the development and continuous improvement of the Quality Assurance System in the VET sector,
- Development of internal and external evaluation criteria, standards and methodology regarding the effectiveness of the VET system,
- Implementation of VET system monitoring and support for implementation of assessment system,
- support in the development of policies, standards and methods aimed at improving the process of accreditation of VET providers and programs,
- Providing professional advice to VET implementers,
- support in the development and implementation of innovative and experimental programs in the VET sector, providing conclusions on them,
- support for the development and implementation of the quality management system, vocational education and training certification system, credit accumulation and transfer system in VET institutions,
- implementation of continuous monitoring of activities of institutions (organizations) granting qualifications and provision of guarantees,
- support for the development, implementation and operation of an effective system for professional orientation and counseling of young people and adults, lifelong career development and professional growth,
- providing methodological support for the implementation of the educational process,
- support for the use of new information and communication technologies in the VET system, the development and implementation of the management information system,
- Development of mechanisms for the most efficient distribution and use of financial and material resources of the VET system, as well as the development of mechanisms for the formation of additional funds, provision of guarantees regarding the most targeted use of funds received from budgetary and other sources,
- development of program proposals for support to the professional education system, procurement of technical and financial support, other sources of funding (internal, external, social partners, orders for the training of specialists);
- Implementation of measures contributing to the international integration of the VET system of Armenia, recognition of awarded qualifications and certificates abroad, implementation of cooperation with relevant foreign and international organizations and institutions,
- providing conclusions on recognition of professional qualifications awarded by relevant foreign institutions, transfer of credits,
- participation in the planning, coordination and monitoring of VET programs (including assistance provided by foreign and international organizations),
- support in the development of VET strategy and policy, mid-term and long-term development plans and action plans for the development of the VET system, organization and implementation of VET system analyses, participation in the development of recommendations for the rationalization of the VET system, including their creation, reorganization, liquidation, deployment, and review of implemented activities;
- Implementation of information activities in the field of VET, creation of an information base (base) in the field of VET,
- Organization of VET activities of various nature (conferences, consultations, seminars, etc.).
- Organizing the design and publication of a magazine dedicated to VET system reform and development issues.