Meghri State College is celebrating its 15th anniversary

Meghri State College of the RA Ministry of Education and Science is celebrating its 15th anniversary.

On that occasion, jubilee events were organized in the college, in which representatives of the RA Ministry of Education and Science, state and local government bodies, international and local non-governmental organizations, directors of primary and secondary vocational educational institutions of the republic, college professors, and students participated.

Over the past 15 years, the college has truly made history. It carries out a great mission: it keeps the southern gate of our country strong, connects young people to Meghri.

College professors Margarita Petrosyan and Anush Kulyan were awarded with an honorary certificate of the RA Ministry of Education and Science, and Shushanik Babayan and Karine Stepanyan with a certificate of appreciation for their long-term pedagogical activity and contribution in the field of secondary professional education.

For his long-term activity and conscientious work in the field of education, the director of the college, Tamam Hovhannesyan, was awarded with the certificate of the RA Ministry of Education and Science.