

It is planned by the National VET Development Center (VET Development Center). 2021 to organize development and publication of educational manuals and educational materials for VET sector.

Applications for the creation of manuals and other educational materials (in paper and electronic versions) are submitted to MKUZAK.

  • The application states the name of the educational material, the author (authorship), a brief description of the content and the justification of the proposal.
  • Applications-proposals until this year February 19the can be submitted to MKUZAK in original writing or by e-mail address: [email protected], with the signed version of the note. (Yerevan, Tigran Metsi 67, 4th floor, room 405, coordinator: Lusine Petrosyan).
  • According to the established procedure, applications for manuals and educational materials are submitted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia to the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia, and then the list of manuals and educational materials approved by the National Council for the Development of Vocational Education and Training is submitted to the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia for approval.
  • After being approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia, the creation and publication of training manuals and teaching methodical materials will be carried out by MKUZAK.
  • The requirements for the training manuals and teaching materials will be presented to the selected authors at the time of signing the relevant contract.

To avoid unnecessary repetition, below is a list of manuals published in previous years (see attached PDF material).

List of published manuals