In the framework of the German "Vocational Education and Training (VET) Cooperation in the South Caucasus" program, the "Business and Education Partnership" Foundation, the "Business and Education" Association, together with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, on May 11 based on successful experience, the conference entitled "Introduction of the Student/Student Company Educational Model in Armenia", "Professional Orientation", "VET - Private Sector Cooperation".
The experience of educational institutions in the establishment and localization of the "Student/Student Society", the cooperation of VET institutions and the private sector, the measures aimed at professional orientation implemented in the German "School-Economy" format in 2021-2022, etc., were presented at the conference.
Representatives of RA state bodies, international organizations, educational institutions and the private sector participated in the conference.
The purpose of the conference is:r:.
- To present the activities of the German "Vocational Education and Training (VET) Cooperation in the South Caucasus" program, summarizing the results of the successful implementation of the German model "Apprentice/Student Companies", which is the most important component of the program, the measures aimed at social dialogue and professional orientation as a fundamental and primary step of VET education Students of "Student/Student Companies" gain experience during education and in educational institutions in safe, but at the same time, real conditions.
- To introduce another important component of the program's activities: professional orientation, cooperation between educational institutions and the business/private sector, which contributes not only to meeting the needs and demands of the labor market, but also to the training of qualified personnel.